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11 Results-Driven Digital Node.js Development Practices to Create Stellar Applications Jan 06, 2020

Digital Node.js Development

Node.js is a popular open-source JavaScript runtime environment that made its inception in 2009. Node.js is a cross-platform development with a dynamic approach. The event-driven architecture provides you with several tools and servers to develop flexible and scalable applications. 

Efficiency and speed are some of the prime reasons that attribute to the growing popularity of Node.js development services. All the Node.js applications are known to offer an intuitive user interface. Node.js development is also cost-efficient when combined with different legacy systems.  The JavaScript runtime environment has seen various changes during the course of its journey. Consequently, several other innovative trends are expected to join the list as time progresses. 

Here, we have highlighted the 11 best digital Node.js development practices you need to follow to create apps that stand out in the crowd. 

So, let’s begin. 

Organize the Code into Smaller Bits 

The first and foremost step that you need to take is to ensure your code is organized into smaller bits. This will simplify the development process and help you understand the coding techniques in a better way. 

Make sure your code is well-synchronized with the asynchronous philosophy of the Node. Additionally, if you are working on a separate project, you need to use either a private or a cache strategy. 

Be Precise about Using Promises 

Promises are an integral component of the Node.js framework. They are almost used in every programming language. You may find it in concurrency primitive state. Please note that fs API does not have readFileAsync for returning a Promise. Thus, you may have to use a similar promise yall. 

Take Advantage of Standard Javascript Style

You need to develop a proper style failing which, everything slips out of your hands. Therefore, you can use the JavaScript Standard Style. By choosing the JavaScript Standard Style, you are leveraging various advantages. For example, you will not have to manage the .jscsrc or .jshintrc files. 

However, before you begin with the JavaScript Standard Style, you must ensure that there is a proper structure setting. In addition, you need to compulsorily install the JavaScript Standard Style in a global format that matches with the Node.js command-line program. 

The Role of Require 

The Node.js runtime environment has a simple module loading system where it makes use of the CommonJS module format. You may add modules that are present in separate files with the help of a built-in-require function.  

Now, this is where Require comes in for support. It proactively plays an important role in importing a file or module that you have exported. You can cache the Require. The dedicated file name will not have any change, so you can execute the code from the module. 

Please note that the npm module does not have any limitations. This means that if there is any caching, the importance of the requirement statement increases. Thus, you need to ensure that you have loaded your modules before defining the server. 

Use the Asynchronous Code Smartly 

You can make use of the synchronous code during the Node.js development to write CLI commands or scrips. However, it is not related to any other web application. Also, if you want to create a proper Node.js application, you have to enable the Asynchronous Code efficiently. This can help avoid blocking threads. 

The Growing Use of Containers 

The role of containers is similar to that of dockers, which typically ensure that you can deploy your apps securely. You have to consider the docker’s lightweight images. It is important to run your applications in isolation mode to accomplish this task. The containers allow you to adjust to the immutable deployments involving local minor production environments. 

Implementing the Latest Version of the LTS Support 

As a Node.js developer, you want to bring more stability to the development process. You can achieve your task with the help of the Long-Term-Support or LTS. The Node Version Manager (NVM) will further assist in migrating between the different Node.js versions.   

Applications Will Become More Secure 

You have to significantly pay attention to bolstering the security of the enterprise and customer data. Thus, you need to have good knowledge about Brute Force Protection, Session Management, Node.js security, and Security HTTP headers. 

Focus on the Semantic Version 

SemVer plays a key role when it comes to upgrading various packages. However, you might have to break your Node.js in the process. Thus, the experts recommend you to use the Semantic versioning. This will also help your customers figure out the latest version that is in use.  

The npm also makes use of SemVer every time it installs the dependencies. This secures the applications from breaking out when publishing the module. In fact, at times you may find it more challenging to deal with errors at the top levels. To simplify the process, Node.js executes asynchronously with the support of the event loop. This allows you to separate all the errors from the content. 

You can even resolve this issue by using a callback argument as an error. However, you need to tackle every error on a manual note during the callback process. 

The Growing Popularity of the Serverless 

The demand for serverless architecture has increased during recent times due to its huge potential. Serverless architecture belongs to an open-source community. You can create advanced applications using serverless technology. Serverless technology also includes AWS Lambda. Implementing AWS Lambda functionalities is a relatively easy process.

Node.js Development Cannot Render Static Assets 

It is important to keep in mind that Node.js will not render any static assets such as images and CSS. The rendering usually takes place on a standard web server like Nginx. You have to organize Nginx if you want to efficiently manage the static content. This will help you to reduce the current load in the Node.js instance, allowing you to enhance your performance. 


Well, this is not the end of the road. There are a few other Node.js development practices that you can easily follow to make your app stand out in the crowd. One of the ways to do that is to implement client-side rendering and check if your app starts automatically or not. 

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