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5 Common Pitfalls that Node.js Developers Commit While Developing Web Apps Aug 19, 2019

5 Common Pitfalls that Node.js Developers Commit While Developing Web Apps

Talking About 5 Common Pitfalls that Node.js Developers Commit While Developing Web Apps, Since the unveiling of Node.js, it has become one of the most preferred choices for developing cutting edge web applications. The powerful server-side platform created on Google Chrome’s JavaScript runtime. Node.js has established a two-way connection between the client and server real-time for easily sharing of files, data, and documents.

Node.js allows you a safe passage to write codes, but as a human, you may commit some error while coding the program. You need to note that these mistakes can affect the performance of your web application and even delay the project.

But if you are aware of the common Node.js development pitfalls, you will remain more alert and try to avoid committing errors.

So, ‘let’s try to find out the common Node.js errors which developers make and discuss viable solutions to avert these mistakes.

Blocking the Event Loop

Since Node.js Development Services provides a single-threaded environment, you cannot run two parts of your application simultaneously. The single-threaded nature of Node.js also blocks the event loop, and it can block everything. The result is that the user has to invest more time for app navigation. It also paves the way for enabling concurrency through the Input/Output operations asynchronously.

‘Let’s take an example. If you want Node.js to focus on other parts of the application, then you have to send a request from Node.js to the database engine to fetch some documents.

Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of the developers to identify what common errors are getting their way while coding. They need to remove those issues to allow the application to run seamlessly.

Going for the Call Backs Again and Again

Another common mistake that developers commit is continuously pressing for the call back function. You need to note that even today, JavaScript largely depends on callbacks as it helps in connecting to asynchronous elements. Callbacks are also critical for building APIs.

How can repeated callbacks create a problem for the developers? The answer is that it can affect the functioning of Node.js web development.

How can you avoid the mistake? To avert this error, you need to add a return keyword before choosing a callback task. You need to note that since most of the functions are asynchronous, the return callback will not make any sense.

Not Testing and Inspecting the Codes Rigorously

Talking About 5 Common Pitfalls that Node.js Developers Commit While Developing Web Apps, Since the unveiling of Node.js,Once you complete with your web application development, ‘it’s time to focus your attention on testing and inspecting the codes. Node.js framework offers a wide range of tools to simplify your tasks. You can use these tools according to your requirements. We can cite the examples of Jasmine and Mocha.

But merely conducting the tests is not going to help your cause. There are some other factors that you need to consider such as the utilization of memory and delay in the event loop etc.

Similarly, if you want to inspect the web development, you can take the help of tools, including New Relic and App Dynamic. But if you are involved in manual coding, it is advisable to add a few new programs that make your application more reliable.

Nested Callback

One of the essential issues with Node.js development is issues related to nested callbacks. Most developers have identified it as a problem that persists with application development programs. At times, you may find it challenging to manage the codes.

However, you can solve the issue of nested callbacks with ease. You need to write a few simple functions that are easy to read. Also, don’t forget to provide suitable links.

The nested callbacks are also known as callback hell. It helps in keeping your codes clean and tidy.

Developer Does Not Utilize the Tools Properly

Often you will notice that if a Node.js Development Company hires a Node.js developer who ‘don’t have proper knowledge of developing tools. So, if the developer is not familiar with all the tools, he may face problems.

The only solution to the issue is upgrading the knowledge. For example, you should know that if there is any change at the source, you have to restart and refresh the browser in case there is any modification in the static code.

Concluding the Discussion

Talking About 5 Common Pitfalls that Node.js Developers Commit While Developing Web Apps, Since the unveiling of Node.js,Node.js is one of the finest JavaScript frameworks that allows creating the best cross-platform web apps with simplified coding. With time more and more business organizations are employing Node.js to take them forward.

However, the Node.js developers commit common mistakes during the development. But if you are familiar with those errors in advance, you can avert them.

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