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5 eCommerce SEO Tips That Put Your Website on the Driving Seat Jul 26, 2019

5 eCommerce SEO Tips That Put Your Website on the Driving Seat

Talking About 5 eCommerce SEO Tips That Put Your Website on the Driving Seat, I lost my smartphone recently. Bad news! So, I had no other option but to buy a new one. I logged on to Google to search for a device that suits my requirements and fits my budget.

Today, most people like me pay a visit to a web store if they want to buy something.

“A survey reveals that 96% of Americans do online shopping”

And to tell you the truth, they don’t have the time and patience to look beyond the first couple of pages in the search results.

What does this tell you? It tells you that if your website or online store does not appear in the top search engine results, the potential buyers will not be aware of your existence.

But the question is how to appear on the first page of the search results? You probably know the answer.

You need a robust business strategy combined with an effective E-commerce SEO Services to get more attention from the shoppers.

However, do you think that reaching the first page is enough to drive traffic and sales? No. You have to be in the number one spot.

Let me tell you a very interesting fact. “The world population according to the census in 2018 was 7.6 billion. But you will be surprised to note that the number of internet users stood at 4.1 billion during the same time.”

Both the race and competition level are becoming stiffer with each passing day. So, if you want to lead with higher points on the SEO table, following the tips below will help you.

1. Keywords and Competitor Research

Your challenging journey commences with keywords and competitor research.

The reason-

Research is one of the vital elements of search engine optimization (SEO) that clicks well for both on-site and off-site. You need to target the right set of keywords. If you choose the wrong keywords, it will spoil your campaign with low or no traffic generation at all.

While researching the keywords, emphasize on three prime areas.

  1. Find relevant keywords for your home page and products
  2. Targeting Keywords through Blog Posts
  3. Avoiding keyword cannibalization

While choosing keywords, it’s important to understand its relevance, search volume, and ranking difficulty.

Keywords and Competitor Research

It’s essential to make a list of important keywords manually and then compare the competitiveness and metrics as seen on the Amazon site above.

Significance of Keyword Research

The keyword determines the profitability of a web store. How?

A potential customer comes across your website when he types a keyword in the search engine. Therefore, it’s important to select the keywords very carefully. You need to make sure that it is relevant to your brand and has a high search volume in Google AdWords.

5 eCommerce SEO

What you should not do –

Avoid long and highly-targeted keywords. Long keywords get a higher bounce rate and drive a low conversation ratio. And if you are targeting very competitive keywords, you will have an uphill task and take time to achieve traffic.

Keep a Vigil on Competitor’s Site

Analyzing your competitor’s website is a pivotal step in enhancing your practice. If you are looking to outperform your competitors, then you should know what specific keywords they are targeting.

If you find that they are using the same keywords or they rank higher, then it’s better to look for some other keywords.

2. Are You Aware of Your Website’s Current Problem?

Talking About 5 eCommerce SEO Tips That Put Your Website on the Driving Seat, Do you have an idea about the current problems that your website is facing? If yes, well and good, start addressing those concerns. If not, it’s important to first analyze the issues and then begin with the auditing.

Usually, when you identify your website’s issues, you may come across common problems

  • Bugs and errors on the site
  • The slower the speed of the website

Fix the Errors and Bugs

There are many useful tools such as Screaming Frog that help to find errors in your website. It scrutinizes your website links, CSS script, and applications from an SEO point of view.

You can find information on missing data, errors, duplicate pages, and header tags.

Accelerate Website Speed

Do you know that 40% of visitors abandon your website or application just because it takes more than 3 seconds to load! It’s not an encouraging sign, but it’s the truth.

Another truth is that once a user leaves your site, it’s very difficult to get him back on board. So, the only viable solution is to increase your website speed.

Your site’s speed will accelerate once you properly fix all errors and bugs. It’s as simple as that!

3. What About On-Page Optimization?

On-page optimization is a crucial part of SEO Services Canada. This is an e-commerce SEO strategy where you take all important actions to improve site ranking.

What About On-Page Optimization

You can consider it as a low hanging fruit that offers a wide spectrum of tools such as site structure, keyword optimization, internal link building, social media integration, customer ratings, reviews, and more.

4. Expanding Your Store to Mobile

A recent survey indicates that almost 50% of users are using their smartphone devices to buy something online. Isn’t this stat encouraging enough to expand your e-commerce site to mobile?

You need to have a mobile-friendly version of your website. It should include all the vital features with intuitive designs and easy navigability. Moreover, you can offer them discounts and coupons to attract customers.

You can get in touch with a professional app development company to cater to your needs.

5. Testing Your Website

If you want to boost the ranking of your page, then you have to keep testing the website at regular intervals. In order to properly test a website you can-

  1. Make use of analytics to check what keywords are getting converted
  2. Utilize the PPC campaign to find high converting keywords
  3. Use Meta titles and descriptions to increase page clicks
  4. Conduct an A/B test on-page content to improve web ranking.

Start Implementing the Tips Now!

Now, it’s time to implement the eCommerce SEO tips that you just read in this blog.

But just a moment! You also have to find an experienced eCommerce SEO Company such as Brainvire that can help you find the right tactics to upsurge your web traffic and lead to more conversions.

Talking About 5 eCommerce SEO Tips That Put Your Website on the Driving Seat, Remember, SEO is not a one-time deal! Google changes its algorithms regularly and so, you need to adopt the latest trends to continue leading the competition.

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