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Top Reasons Why Laravel Is The Best Framework for Web Development Jan 28, 2020

The Best Framework for Web Development

Laravel framework has truly made its mark in recent years. You must have seen numerous advertisements from Laravel Development Services on networking websites. Today, you can undoubtedly say Laravel framework services are some of the best in the IT industry.

Laravel is one of the best open-source PHP web frameworks used to make web development simple, fast, and versatile. There are various PHP frameworks available for web development to create good quality websites and web applications. But Laravel continues to remain a favorite among developers. This is because Laravel uses syntax code and MVC architecture that is developer-friendly and easy to handle. Additionally, Laravel has many unique features such as intuitive interface, fast development speed, and various extensions.

The top of line features and the ever-growing community’s encouragement has rendered Laravel a PHP pioneer. We are going to explain in detail why Laravel Web Development is in trend and what are the best features that make it the first choice for developers worldwide.

Reasons Why Laravel Is a Preferred Web Development Framework

Emerging Technology

The number of Laravel development companies is growing at an unremitting pace. Due to this increasing demand in Laravel development, it is easy to get an expert Laravel developer. Laravel platform’s diverse features make it very responsive and this is one of the key reasons why it is also included in Google trends consistently.

Better Safety and Security

Despite the fact that there is no system that is completely safe from cyber threats, if it relies on a Laravel developer and how the code is structured, it could provide a measure of relief. In any case, the Laravel framework provides a significant level of security that is not available in some other program. Laravel provides CSRF tokens for security. These tokens test each demand on the POST and shield it from any change.

Easy Templates for Great Designs

The Blade templating system is one of the best features of Laravel. The unique system is incredibly instinctive and fits with ordinary PHP / HTML effortlessly. Considering that the formats in the Laravel system are light weighted, making great designs is very easy.

MVC Architecture for Better Performance

Another factor that makes Laravel the best PHP system is that it follows MVC Architecture like Symfony, meaning that the reasoning and designs are transparent. MVC helps improve performance, enables better documentation, and has multiple integrated functionalities. 

Object-oriented Libraries

Laravel is the strongest PHP framework since it has Object-Oriented libraries and other pre-installed libraries that are not included in any other PHP framework. Authentication Library is a pre-installed library. It has many advanced features, such as monitoring active users, hashing Bcrypt, resetting passwords, preventing CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery), and encryption.

Informative Tutorials for Learning

Developers have always had to learn more to deliver more. Laravel provides Laracasts apps that are a combination of free and paid video tutorials that teach you how to build Laravel. The videos are all made by a professional coach named Jeffery Way. The quality of the video is good, and the lessons are well thought out and meaningful.

Automatic Package Delivery

Laravel 5.5 has an Automatic Package Discovery feature that detects packages which users want to install. So users do not have to set up any aliases or providers to install new packages in Laravel. Laravel 5.5 also enables developers to disable this feature for different packages.

Ready-Made Applications

As the popularity of Laravel’s development grows at an astonishing rate, curiosity on similar features is also increasing. To meet this growing demand, various instant applications are currently available on the market, which can be used to add a range of features to Laravel’s site. The general cost of development decreased incredibly with accessible instant applications.

Simplifies Programming

Laravel provides laracasts that not only offer free tutorials; it also offers master paid tutorials that can help a developer clarify complex problems by coding. The content that can be accessed on this site is created by experts and professionals with simple and structured instructions to create better solutions according to the requirements.

Built-In Project Environment (Artisan)

Artisan is a structured condition of the Laravel venture that allows developers to manage things. It also helps a programmer by providing a structured method of coding for carrying out long programming assignments in a smooth way.

Easy Database Migrations

It is extremely easy to work with the database migration tools on the Laravel framework. As long as you keep all the database work in migrations and seeds, you can easily move the changes to any other computer you have.

Responsible Interface

Responsible Design is a new feature introduced to the Laravel version 5.5 framework. It is a class that can be returned by using the controller method to implement the design.

Test-Driven Responsibility

Laravel allows developers to integrate Unit Testing as a feature implemented in the system itself. Laravel provides native cross integration support for packages including Selenium and PHPUnit. Using these automation testing advantages, a wide variety of highly transactional business-critical implementations can be developed and deployed safely.

Diverse Range of Web Services

Laravel offers maximum support through its RESTful Routing process. This helps to create a collection of API endpoints and interfaces over the globally accepted REST API standard for the entire built application. Applications can be connected with third-party providers without compromising on protection and efficiency. A major benefit of this is the prospect of a single-engine without compromising on security.


So these are the reasons why Laravel is listed as one of the best PHP Platforms in 2020. Laravel framework’s popularity is on the rise due to its amazing features. In addition, Laravel also offers comprehensive community support. Hire the best Laravel Development Services if you are looking to develop a fully functional web application.

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