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Why Amazon Web Services is Best for Magento Hosting Nov 14, 2019

Why Amazon Web Services is Best for Magento Hosting

Talking About Why Amazon Web Services is Best for Magento Hosting, With an approximate total number of 70 various services, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is regarded as one of the most highly secure, flexible, and reliable cloud computing solutions worldwide. If you are an e-commerce web owner operating Magento on AWS, you will get additional benefits such as complete data storage, networking application services, management analytics, deployment, and much more. Apart from that, Amazon Web Services also provides an assurance that the e-commerce store will further scale-up its collaboration with Magento Development. 

Magento, as you all know, is one of the most powerful e-commerce solutions that offer you customized solutions to create your own web store. However, you need to note that merely having a custom-built platform will not boost your business growth but you need to also have an efficient hosting provider with best-in-class infrastructure. And there is no better choice than Amazon Web Services, whose public cloud revenue is expected to be around $229 billion this year. The figure combines all three cloud-based capabilities including Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).  

Before we can highlight the major reasons, let’s discuss the most essential Amazon services for Magento hosting. 

  • Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute: Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute or EC2 is one of the integral parts of Amazon’s cloud-computing platform that provides highly-scalable and pay-as-you-go computing services in the cloud. 
  • Elastic Load Balancing: It is a particular Amazon service that automatically distributes the app traffic across different Amazon EC2 instances. 
  • Auto Scaling: As the name suggests, it scales the potential of your Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute automatically up and down based on the defined conditions. 
  • Amazon Relational Database Service (ARDS): This service simplifies the operations and sets up a relational database in the cloud scaling it higher. 
  • Amazon Cloud Front (CDN): The web service simplifies the process of content distribution with low latency through a global network of important locations. 
  • Amazon ElastiCache: Well, here’s an easy way of deploying, operating, and scaling an in-memory cache in the cloud with the help of Amazon ElastiCache. 
  • Amazon Route 53: A highly scalable and readily available Domain Name System (DNS) web service. 
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3): The Amazon S3 is internet-based storage that simplifies the process of web-scale computing for the developers. 

Let’s Get Down to the Reasons Now-

Best-in-Class Flexibility 

One of the key reasons why most AWS is best for Magento hosting is due to its best-in-class flexibility. All Amazon Web Services solutions communicate and work simultaneously, providing an efficient API that allows you to create new instances. In addition, you can also develop a load balancer, an external database, and storage on-demand services. And the biggest benefit is that you can utilize all these services in real-time.  However, if you need some more server power, all you need to do is just change the instance type. It makes server management much quicker and easier. 

Known for Offering Optimal Performance 

Talking About Why Amazon Web Services is Best for Magento Hosting, Amazon Web Services is known for its superb speed that boosts the performance of the Magento e-commerce site. Amazon has invested millions of dollars into its data centers to offer optimum infrastructure to Magento web owners. However, if you are still facing issues, your website capacity will reduce but you will still remain online. 

We can cite the example of Amazon DataCenter located in Northern Virginia, where a bunch of primary servers went down due to electricity failure. The result was that it affected the performances of popular sites such as WordPress, Reddit, and others. However, all these sites were still available in the ‘read-only’ mode until the issue got resolved.  

One of the unique features of AWS is that it provides adequate separation between storage and processing allowing your Magento store to remain online even with reduced functionality. So when AWS combines with Magento, you can expect increased loading times as AWS cloud infrastructure has a 99.99% uptime. 

Faster Deployment Speed

The best Magento Development Company always looks for a reliable and faster deployment service provider. You are aware that a server requires 2 to 4 days to get ready on average. It is also difficult to get more memory or the hard drive space as you need to hire the server for a longer period of time. 

So, this is where Amazon Web Services comes to your rescue. With AWS, you can start instantly and test your Magento instance immediately. 

The union of AWS and Magento decreases the deployment time of the website to a great extent. For example, you can start with a copy of Amazon Machine Instance as a backup and test your system with just a click. This will help you a lot if you are looking to update your Magento site and while doing promotions.  


If you are choosing Amazon Web Services for Magento hosting, you only have to pay for the services that you have chosen and pay for the time when they are operating. For an entrepreneur with a large Magento e-commerce site, Amazon Web Services will help you tune the server infrastructure based on your traffic generation and other aspects. 

You can choose the hosting plan based on your budget estimate. For example, for a traditional host provider,  you mostly have to pay for one or two-year plans. AWS lowers your cost by scaling the infrastructure according to your business needs.   

Robust Security

Last but not least, Amazon Web Services is known to offer a robust cloud infrastructure that helps to protect all important sensitive data. As such, it has taken the following steps to boost security-

Generating Reports, Independent Attestations, and Certificates – AWS has already completed multiple SAS70 Type II audits and also publishes Service Organization Controls under professional standards. It has also received ISO 27000 certification and validated it as a Level 1 service provider. 

Steps towards Bolstering Physical Security – Amazon has got the expertise to deal with large-scale data centers, controlled all throughout the world. The importance can only be accessed by legitimate business enterprises, which need vital information and know the location of the data centers.  

Secure Solutions- It limits any unauthorized access or usage without compromising the flexibility of the data.   

Concluding the Discussion 

Talking About Why Amazon Web Services is Best for Magento Hosting, Magento + AWS provides secured hosting with 24×7 tech support and server management. Apart from that, there are several other benefits such as dedicated IP’s, real-time performance monitoring, addons for emails, and many more. However, to leverage all these advantages, you need to hire Magento Developers with adequate expertise in the field. 

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